November 7th Advanced Racing One Day Program

Registrations are closed
Join us for 4 hours of racing practice on VIR's  Full Course
Navigate the racing line under expert guidance, discovering the quickest way around the track. With each lap, as your confidence soars, push the boundaries, refining your understanding of the car's dynamics and optimizing your lap times. 
Building upon the solid groundwork from your morning driving sessions,  the day intensifies with wheel to wheel racing scenarios.  These realistic racing scenarios help you hone situational awareness, master racing protocols, the art of strategic passing and defensive maneuvers crucial for competitive success. 
The days ends, the exhilarating thrill of race starts and practice races as you immerse  yourself in live-action scenarios tailored to simulate the intensity of actual race conditions.
Date & Time
Thursday November 07, 2024
8:00 AM 5:30 PM (America/New_York)

Kaizen Autosport

2813 Hawtree Drive
Raleigh NC 27613
United States
Get the direction

Kaizen Autosport


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